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Presentation of MDV Media for HP PageWide XL at the FESPA 2018

MDV Papier- und Kunststoffveredelung offers its customers a wide range of media for LFP-systems and applications under the brand name JETPRINT®. It includes products for printing with a variety of inks (pigment, dye, ecosolvent, solvent, UV, latex) based on a diverse range of media, especially Tyvek® and paper. In order to support clients in choosing the correct media, MDV co-operates with printer manufacturers worldwide to optimize the quality.

HP will present their new Wow-Sample Book for HP PageWide XL at the FESPA 2018 in Berlin, from 15.-18.05.2018. This has been created, so that clients can obtain an impression of the multitude of applications available, using different media on the HP PageWide XL . MDV’s bright fluorescent paper and Tyvek®, and a white matt coated blueback paper, can be found in the Wow-Sample Book.  Visitors are welcome to visit HP in Hall 3.2 at stand C20.

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